World Dog Show Brno 30.09.2021
Judges / Richter Miroslav Václavík (Czech republic)
Class / Klasse / Třída | Males / Rüden / Psi | Females / Hündinnen / Feny | Total / Summe / Celkem |
Baby Class / Welpenklasse / Třída štěňat | 1 | ||
Puppy Class / Jüngstenklasse / Třída dorostu | 3 | 4 | 7 |
Junior Class / Jugendklasse / Třída mladých | 7 | 21 | 34 |
Intermediate Class / Zwischenklasse / Mezitřída | 7 | 15 | 25 |
Open Class / Offene Klasse / Třída otevřená | 12 | 23 | 38 |
Working Class / Gebrauchshundeklasse / Třída pracovní | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Champion Class / Championklasse / Třída šampionů | 9 | 15 | 30 |
Veteran Class / Veteranenklasse / Třída veteránů | 4 | 2 | 5 |
Total / Summe / Celkem | 43 | 0 | 97 |
Males / Rüden
Baby class - Minor Puppy
VP1, World Baby Promise I am the one vom Sutumer Grund /Uncle Sam vom Sutumer Grund x P.S. I Love you vom Sutumer Grund/
Puppy class / Jüngstenklasse
VP1, World Promise Arrow Snowflake Dynasty /Obi Wan od Bijelih Andjela x Taboo Cuba od Bijelih Andjela/
VP2 Augusteas Duke /Absolute White Chocolate Lari x K´Zoe of Trebons Berger Blanc/
VP3 Dao Iz Beloy Brigady /Mig Iz Beloy Brigady x Kosma House Lady Laura/
Junior Class / Jugendklasse
Exc. 1, CAJC, World Junior Winner Dream Catcher Ice Angel of Dreams /Uncle Sam vom Sutumer Grund x Dundee Cake of Chocolate Ice/
Exc. 2 Jupiter´s Journey von King´s Silbertal /Ironclad Ivander von King´s Silbertal x Go for Gold von King´s Silbertal/
Exc. 3 Ra´s Al ghul Du Lac de Garm /Iwok du Lac de Garm x Simply One Such a Pretty Girl/
Exc. 4 Massimo FWS di Grande Inverno /Blu Wayne Stark x Foxhunt´s Nothing Else but You/
VG Freaky Feodor von der Weissen Hexe /Hay Jay Prince vom Niehuser See x Ilvy Ice Princess von King´s Silbertal/
VG White Dream Team Viking Viggo /White Dream Team Majestique Malo x Alanis av White Arctic Mist/
- absence Legolas Bílá Merci /Barnet Abraska x Galaxy Bílá Merci/
Intermediate Class / Zwischenklasse
Exc. 1, CAC, CACIB, World Winner BOB BB-8 White Alexia /Simply One Asto Martin x Jazz Rock M´Roll of Trebons Berger Blanc/
Exc. 2, r. CAC Yastreb Iz Beloy Brigady /Mig Iz Beloy Brigady x Irbika Number One/
Exc. 3 Geronimo Ice Lilien /Veshukan Yori x Eleonora Ema Ena Ela Ice Lilien/
Exc. 4 Yadiel Jamilstar Falco /Yadiel Jamilstar Al Chris x Fancy Jaya Biala Wiedzma/
VG Picard of Trebons Berger Blanc /All I Want of Trebons Berger Blanc x Augusteas Abba/
VG Plato of Trebons Berger Blanc /All I Want of Trebons Berger Blanc x Augusteas Abba/
VG Viking King z Ranče Montara /Barnet Abraska x Joyfull White Angel´s Bilow/
Open Class / Offene Klasse
Exc. 1, CAC All I want of Trebons Berger Blanc /Horsebo U2 x Gentle Grace of Trebons Berger Blanc/
Exc. 2 Elegant Orion av White Arctic Mist /Chuck vom Reinholdsberg x Only Nala av White Rewyr/
Exc. 3 Ozzy Kay od Semberije /Bruce Artay of Highland x Ice Princess od Semberije/
Exc. 4 Clockwork Shepherd Wolf /Koda z Blatenských luk x Chiloe z Chaty Leona/
Exc. Largo Luminous Star Royal Dignity /Born to Win Warrior Titan x Erika-Escada Royal Dignity/
Exc. Youtube King vom Sutumer Grund /Kentalo vom Sutumer Grund x Quaprice of fame vom Sutumer Grund/
VG Andante Barcai Fine /Boston la Melodie Blanche x Caira Bílá Merci/
VG Archibald ve Stínu /Bengee pod Ovčáckým vrchem x Xynthia Donnevara/
VG Big Shot Fenix White Essence /Fenix Bílá Merci x Baby Ely Falco line/
VG Could You Be Loved White Kingdom of Bacco /Brownie of Chocolate Ice x Summer Secret Love/
- absence Black Bad Boy Biale Wilki z Wilkowa /Otis od Bijelih Andjela x Ossi Wilczy Bialy Kiel/
- absence Ferox von der Bayernwache /Shamrock Shepherd´s Avalon x Afra von der Bayernwache/
Champion Class / Championklasse
Exc. 1, CAC, r. CACIB Absolute White Chocolate Lari /Benjamino W-Choco Pride of Astrid x Absolute White Chocolate Camilla Bella/
Exc. 2, r. CAC Dubstep of Trebons Berger Blanc /Fudge of Trebons Berger Blanc x White Dream Team Cynamon Cimet/
Exc. 3 Mig Iz Beloy Brigady /Charis z Blatenských luk x Imax Iz Beloy Brigady/
Exc. 4 Karneliks Hit /Arden Sol Bastian x Karneliks Sirin/
Exc. White dream team Majestique Malo /Drakkar of Blachier de la Bussiere x Miss Ma Vie AKBO-Parchovany/
Exc. Brugal Anejo White Kingdom of Bacco /Bacco di Casa Rovai x Summer Secret Love/
Exc. D´Louis Heroes of the white Shepherds /Handur vom Bozener Hof x Misty Knights Hot Shot for White Knight/
VG Chiron Alpen Angel /Iron de l´Esprit du Sud x Spirit of Glory Shira Alpen Angel/
- absence Fame Snoop Biale Wilki z Wilkowa /Otis od Bijelih Andjela x Ayra Biale Wilki z Wilkowa/
Veteran Class / Veteranenklasse
Exc. 1, World Veteran Winner ´21 Halo of Trebons Berger Blanc *26.10.2012 /Al-Pacino of Haely´s Future x Chiwa of Trebons Berger Blanc/
Exc. 2 Uncle Sam vom Sutumer Grund *12.02.2012 /Kentalo vom Sutumer Grund x Vajra Diamont of Haely´s Future/
Exc. 3 Barnet Abraska *23.02.2012 /Blesk od Kunovského lesa x Bepcock Nubika/
Exc. 4 White Silver Jagodowe Bory *03.04.2013 /Ravel Classic Las Kornas x Kamelia Grand Canyon/
Females / Hündinnen
Baby class - Minor Puppy
VN1, World Promise Aurora Borealis od Škrchlebských lesů /Neros du Glacier des Loups x Nessie Taien/
VN2 I dont care - I love it vom Sutumer Grund /Uncle Sam vom Sutumer Grund x P.S. I Love you vom Sutumer Grund/
VN3 Cassiopeia White Alexia /Dubstep of Trebons Berger Blanc x Ace White Alexia/
Puppy class / Jüngstenklasse
VN1, World Puppy Promise Imani Ice Lilien /Bjorn Bako Lord of North x Frozen Queen Ice Lilien/
VN2 Keva PInk Smoothie Biale Wilki z Wilkowa /Otis od Bijelih Andjela x Ossi Wilczy Bialy Kiel/
VN3 Anitka z Jankovské osady /Chester la Blankpapilio x Enya Donnevara/
VN4 Dada-Dea Star /Mr. Snow Diavolocane x Massey Star AKBI-Parchovany/
VN Nemesis vom Weissen Birkenstolz /Zoom la Blankpapilio x Nuri Lups P´tits Loups d´Amour/
Junior Class / Jugendklasse
V1, CAJC, World Junior Winner Sienna of Ice Wine /Drover of Ice Wine x Ayra Zeichen von Wolf/
V2 White Dream Team Quintana Quesa /White Dream Team Majestique Malo x Quila of the white shepherds vom Sutumer Grund/
V3 Yagodka Iz Beloy Brigady /Mig Iz Beloy Brigady x Irbika Number One/
V4 Jinni in a Jewel von King´s Silbertal /Ironclad Ivander von King´s Silbertal x Go for Gold von King´s Silbertal/
V Déjá Vu Ice Angel of Dreams /Uncela Sam vom Sutumer Grund x Dundee Cake of Chocolate Ice/
V Fallin´in Love vom Sutumer Grund /White Dream Team Majestique Malo x My Love Energie´s vom Sutumer Grund/
VD Andromeda Moravia Blizzard /Amadeus Moravia Snow Flake x Yanine White Miraja/
VD Dirce White Witch Di Casa Brach Prever /Vunt vom Sutumer Grund x Uska White and Beautiful Emotion di Casa/
VD Gloria Gea vom Weissen Unterberg /Casper of Merry dream x Era Eleonor vom Weissen Unterberg/
VD Metrix Pett´s Wolf /Adwin Donnevara x Honey Pett´s Wolf/
VD Rimell Du Lac de Garm /Dubstep of Trebons Berger Blanc x Milka du Lac de Garm/
VD White Dream Team Que sera, sera /White Dream Team Majestique Malo x Quila of the white shepherds vom Sutumer Grund/
White Kingdom of Bacco Fairy Tale /Donner Weiss Di Grande Inverno x Billie Holiday Velvet Mood/
- absence Russia Revolution Bloodreina /Star Up Iz Beloy Brigady x Strahz Asgarda Elan/
Intermediate Class / Zwischenklasse
V1, CAC, CACIB, BOS, World Winner 2021 Um-ka Iz Beloy Brigady /Mig Iz Beloy Brigady x Ataka Iz Beloy Brigady/
V2, r. CAC Baby Bell White Alexia /Simply One Aston Martin x Jazz Rock´M Roll of Trebons Berger Blanc/
V3 Envy Me White Kingdom Of Bacco /Solo Contro Tutti od Bijelih Andjela x Summer Secret Love/
V4 Majestic White Shepherd Joyful-N-Triumphant /Herr Foxhunt vom Sutumer Grund x Kindred Spirit of Trebons Berger Blanc/
V Olympia of Trebons Berger Blanc /Bjorn Bako Lord of North x Jam of Trebons Berger Blanc/
VD Jewel from the Storm Kyra Alpen Angel /White Dream Team Majestique Malo x Spirit of Glory Shira Alpen Angel/
- absence Bad Girl of white Energy /Zac the Hero of white Energy x Walpurga the witch of white Energy/
Open Class / Offene Klasse
V1, CAC, r. CACIB Rassey Star z Ranče Montara /Atlayn´s Duke Iz Beloy Brigady x Joyfull White Angel´s Bilow/
V2, r. CAC Endless Love vom Sutumer Grund /Al´Pacino x P.S. I Love You vom Sutumer Grund/
V3 Darcy Donnevara /Krispin King z Ranče Montara x Xarria Jackie Donnevara/
V4 Celebrity Sky Tora Tora White Kingdom of Bacco /Brownie of Chocolate Ice x Summer Secret Love/
V Beautiful Baroness of White Sunrise /Barnet Abraska x Duchesse vom Sutumer Grund/
VD Akéla Polární vlk /César Pett´s Wolf x Evolet Saga Beli Andjeo/
VD Amore Mira of carinthian stars /Bero Bianco vom Bründlweg x Lungoresina Futura/
VD Areta Polární vlk /César Pett´s Wolf x Evolet Saga Beli Andjeo/
VD Briabell z Dubské Hajnice /Koda z Blatenských luk x Brooke Ann Forrento/
VD Quila of the white shepherds vom Sutumer Grund /Binglee of Edelweiss Blossems x Enjoy Liefje of Haelly´s Future/
- absence Enya Donnevara /Fenix Bílá Merci x Britney Donnevara/
- absence Niagara Nubika /Lux White Friend z Blatenských luk x Gimma Nubika/
- absence Rosé of Ice Wine /White Wallentino z Chaty Leona x Dambuie-Lady of Ice Wine/
Champion Class / Championklasse
V1, CAC Mina Wilczy Bialy Kiel /Invincible Zente Lord of White Shepherd x U´re Pretty Vom Sutumer Grund/
V2, r. CAC P.S. I love you vom Sutumer Grund /Luzifer´s Fighter vom Sutumer Grund x Joyfull White Angel´s Boo/
V3 Okarina du Bois des Ternes /Legolas Lord of the Rings du Bois des Ternes x Hypnotik du Bois des Ternes/
V4 Elegante-Hailey Heroes of the White Shepherds /Handur vom Bozener Hof x Hero-Wonderfull Lords of the White Shepherds/
V Augusteas Billie Jean /Fudge of Trebons Berger Blanc x Jolee of Trebons Berger Blanc/
V Spirit of Glory Shira Alpen Angel /Garmin du Domaine de la Graffenbourg x El´Donia Very Alpen Angel/
VD Billie Holiday Velvet Mood White Kingdom of Bacco /Bacco di Casa Rovai x Summer Secret Love/
VD Frozen of Trebons Berger Blanc /Tom Jones Ice Lilien x Jam of Trebons Berger Blanc/
- absence Britney Donnnevara /Ares z Nového Malína x Nataly Cheryl Donnevara/
Veteran Class / Veteranenklasse
V1, BOV, World Veteran Winner 2021 Kamelia Grand Canynon * 11.12.2010 /Cajus of Trebons Berger Blanc x Honey Grand Canyon/
V2 White Dream Team Biju Boney M *02.09.2013 /Beau Brit od Bijelih Andjela x Ulma Fliegeland/
V3 Akeela * 02.04.2011 /Beau Brit od Bijelih Andjela x Atakama/
World Dog Show Amsterdam 10.08.2018
Judges / Richter Erica Bakker-van de Woestijne (NL)
Males / Rüden
Baby class - Minor Puppy
- absence Martina´s White Keep Calm I am The King
Puppy class / Jüngstenklasse
VP1, Best Puppy Augusteas Bono /Fudge of Trebons Berger Blanc x Jolee of Trebons Berger Blanc/
VP2 Luqman od Semberije /Arezzo Bohemia Star Moraveč x Harley Rea od Semberije/
VP3 Heartsbreaker Dorian Graywolf Di Grand Inverno
VP4 Kenshin od Semberije /Kotori vom Terlüner Schloss x Heaven od Semberije/
- absence Guardina Kery Slibinai
Junior Class / Jugendklasse
Exc. 1, CAJC, Junior World Winner Dubstep of Trebons Berger Blanc /
Exc. 2 Divine Diamond vom Weissen Unterberg
Exc. 3 For Your Eyes Only Lasse Heroes of the White Shepherds
Exc. 4 Rus Pride Zest Mindhunter Star Karuna
Exc. T-Rex vom Sutumer Grund
Exc. Undercover Vito vom Sutumer Grund
Exc. Jerez of Ice Wine
VG Sundar vom Sutumer Grund
- absent Martina´s White Gonzalo
- absent No Contest Dit Loki du Bois des Ternes
Intermediate Class / Zwischenklasse
Exc. 1 More Flashing Jewel de la Tour de Babel
Exc. 2 All I want of Trebons Berger Blanc
Exc. 3 Otis od Bijelih Andjela
Exc. 4 Obi Wan od Bijelih Andjela
Exc. Iron von der Nordhelle
Exc. Neo Lefko Lykos du Moulin de Beuvry
Exc. Pokerface vom Niehuser See
Exc. Stripestream´s Adorable Love Snowman
VG Hawk-Nanuc vom Weissen Birkenstolz
Open Class / Offene Klasse
Exc. 1 Lego du Bois des Ternes
Exc. 2 Lancelot du Flocon D´argent
Exc. 3 D´louis Heroes of the White Shepherds
Exc. 4 Novara Nox Ahlitah Quest
Exc. Bossanova Son of Heiwin Castle
Exc. Hector Sky od Semberije
Exc. Kees-Caesey of Haely´s Future
VG Platon vom Niehuser See
Champion Class / Championklasse
Exc. 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS Glorious Defender Esaul Cossack Commander /
Exc. 2, r. CAC, r. CACIB Legendary Snow of White Swan
Exc. 3 Legolas Lord of the Rings du Bois des Ternes
Exc. 4 Veshukan Yori
Exc. Bond James Bond Iz Beloy Brigady
Exc. Brando of Ice Wine
Exc. Charming Casanova les Trois Baisers
Exc. Flashing Jewel Explosive Design
Exc. Hiroshima du Domaine de la Combe Noire
Exc. I´Lander du Loup de la Vieille Eglise
Exc. Jarouk della Befana Bianca
Exc. Jerry Lee of Trebons Berger Blanc
Exc. Ottenstroer´s Odin vom Rotbachsee
Exc. Ultimete Adel of Annies Jp
Exc. Uncle Sam vom Sutumer Grund
Exc. Vivid Daydream Aristide
Exc. White Sweet Nut Moon Angel
Exc. Zeus the Cloud Assembler
- absent Big Hauz Lakki Star
- absent Bllion Dollar Boy by Martina´s
- absent Hercules Ozzy od Semberije
Veteran Class / Veteranenklasse
Females / Hündinnen
Baby class - Minor Puppy
Promising The White Adonis Ottawa
- absent Martina´s White Koralline
Puppy Class / Jüngstenklasse
VP1 Flashing Jewel Jump to the Top
VP2 Crystal Moon´s Lil´Miss Lollipop
- absent Flashing Jewel Just the Two of Us
Junior Class / Jugendklasse
Exc. 1, Junior World Winne, BEST JUNIOR Dundee Cake of Chocolate Ice /
Exc. 2 Alba Fides Amor Amor
Exc. 3 No Comment Rogue du Bois des Ternes
Exc. Devil Blues Zeichen von Wolf
Exc. Harmony Hope von Pardiel-Grischun
VG Alinga of the Amalunia
- absent Lola of Ice Wine
Intermediate Class / Zwischenklasse
Open Class / Offene Klasse
Champion Class / Championklasse
Veteran Class / Veteranenklasse
World Dog Show Leipzig 11.11.2017
Males / Rüden
Puppy class / Jüngstenklasse
VP / VV1 No Contest du Bois Des Ternes
VP / VV2 Brugal Anejo
VP / VV3 Rus Pride Je T´aime
VP / VV4 Martina´s White Gonzalo /Charming Casanova les Trois Baisers x /
VP / VV Cornelio Wings of Phoenix
P / V Jerez of Ice Wine
Junior Class / Jugendklasse
Exc. / V1, JCAC Brando of Ice Wine
Exc. / V2, res. JCAC Macleod du Domaine de la Combe Noire
Exc. / V3 All I Want of Trebons Berger Blanc
Exc. / V4 Beowulf Zeichen von Wolf
Exc. / V Boss Wanted Perla Ponidzia
Exc. / V Néron Impérator du Glacier des Loups
Exc. / V Otis od Bejelih Andjela
Exc. / V Pokerface vom Niehuser See
Exc. / V Sundar vom Sutumer Grund
Exc. / V White Dream Team Majestique Malo
Exc. / V White Dreamcatcher´s Absolute Casanova
VG / SG Darthvader Areba Artay of Highland
VG / SG Glorious Defender Marshal
VG / SG J´royal Zuni Special Boy
- absence Hector Iz Beloy Brigady
- absence Qui Kartouche vom Sutumer Grund
Intermediate Class / Zwischenklasse
Exc. / V1, VDH-CAC Absolute White Chocolate Enzo /Beniamino White Chocolate Pride of Astrid x Uma White Chocolate vom Sutumer Grund/
Exc. / V2, res. VDH-CAC Lard di Chiara Sorgente
Exc. / V3 Solo Contro Tutti od Bijelih Andjela
Exc. / V4 D´Louis Heroes of the White Shepherds
Exc. / V Graf Gabor von King´s Silbertal
Exc. / V Shamrock Shepherds Chinook
VG / SG Eddart Bailey von den Weiseen Wupper Wölfen
- absence Axel Donnevara
- absence Eliseo-Noah Heroes of the White Shepherds
Open Class / Offene Klasse
Exc. / V1, VDH-CAC Bond James Bond Iz Beloy Brigady /
Exc. / V2, res. VDH-CAC Legendary Snow of White Swan
Exc. / V3 Alec
Exc. / V4 Frisecco of Ice Wine
Exc. / V Fynn vom Donnersberger Land
Exc. / V Glorious Defender Esaul Cossack Commander
Exc. / V Graf Snow vom Donnersberger Land
Exc. / V Hiroshima du Domaine de la Combe Noire
Exc. / V Kees Caesey of Haely´s Future
Exc. / V Legolas Lord of the Rings du Bois des Ternes
Exc. / V Loki du Domaine de la Combe Noire
Exc. / V Novara Nox Ahlitah Quest
VG / SG Amaranth von der Hoch Zweign Jp
VG / SG Derin of Merry Dream
VG / SG Swan White Kann von Taglischindorf
- absence Ice Brilliant Adalgo
- absence Kotorim vom Terlüner Schloss
Champion Class / Championklasse
Exc. / V1, CAC, VDH-CAC, CACIB, BOB Glorious Defender Engel Veiss /Azimut Ortus x /
Exc. / V2, res. VDH-CAC, res. CACIB Billion Dollar Boy by Martina´s
Exc. / V3 Uncle Sam vom Sutumer Grund
Exc. / V4 Lungoresina Dom Rock
Exc. / V Al Pacino Av Stjerneheir
Exc. / V Arden Sol Bonus For Me
Exc. / V Barcley vom Donnersberger Land
Exc. / V Caely´s White Flower Eays Rider
Exc. / V Charming Casanova les Trois Baisers
Exc. / V Conan vom Sutumer Grund
Exc. / V Halo of Trebons Berger Blanc
Exc. / V Hanska Ska du Domaine de la Combe Noire
Exc. / V Heart Sylver Majestic du Bois des Ternes
Exc. / V Jackson of Trebons Berger Blanc
Exc. / V Jarouk Della Befana Bianca
Exc. / V Lungoresina Dom Rock
Exc. / V Veshukan Yori
Exc. / V White Silver Jagodowe Bory
Exc. / V White Sweet Nut Moon Angel
Exc. / V Zeus the Cloud Assembler
- absence Chuck vom Reinholdsberg
Veteran Class / Veteranenklasse
Exc. / V1, VCAC, BOV Luzifer´s Fighter vom Sutumer Grund /
Exc. / V2, res. VCAC Achak´s Gui-K´ate von Hiehuser See
Exc. / V3 Finn vom Sutumer Grund
Females / Hündinnen
Puppy Class / Jüngstenklasse
VP / VV1, Best Puppy Martina´s White Hummer
VP / VV2 Fieliss Jackson Grace
VP / VV3 Billie Holiday Velvet Mood
VP / VV4 Dundee Cake of Chocolate Ice
VP / VV Nirvana New Hope White Wolf du Grand Perche
P / V Celine Helga Wings of Phoenix
P / V Que Sera vom Niehuser See
P / V White Dream Team Precious Diamond
Junior Class / Jugendklasse
Exc. / V1, JCAC P.S. I love you vom Sutumer Grund
Exc. / V2, res. JCAC Palinkha du Terril Á La Croix
Exc. / V3 Ellen Degeneres av Stjernehiet
Exc. / V4 Quila of the White Sheperds vom Sutumer Grund
Exc. / V Ice Angel of Dreams Angel´s Light
VG / SG Diandra Areba Artay of Highland
VG / SG J´Calamity Jane White Mountain
VG / SG Merle of Moonlight Paradise
VG / SG Shamrock Shepherds Donnerwetter
VG / SG Siguna vom Sutumer Grund
VG / SG Simply One Mocig Mirage
- absence Dara Darielle of Ariellespride
- absence Guida de Real del Ocejon
- absence Jamaica Sun Iz Beloy Brigady
- absence Perfect White Chocolate vom Sutumer Grund
Intermediate Class / Zwischenklasse
Exc. / V1, VDH-CAC My Love Energie´s vom Sutumer Grund
Exc. / V2, res. VDH-CAC Numero Uno Xoen of Haely´s Future
Exc. / V3 Ossi Wilczy Bialy Kiel
Exc. / V4 Dixie Chicks Av Stjernehiet
Exc. / V Kitkat of Trebons Berger Blanc
VG / SG Elegante Hailey Heroes of the White Shepherds
VG / SG Happy vom Donnersberger Land
VG / SG Hearty Gem Base for Dream
VG / SG Hennessy of Ice Wine
VG / SG K´Zoe of Trebons Berger Blanc
VG / SG Shamrock Shepherds Crissi
VG / SG Yukon River Miraja
- absence Candlemas Lady Atagora
- absence Evolet Saga Beli Andjeo
- absence Eymji Mahalo
Open Class / Offene Klasse
Exc. / V1, VDH-CAC, res. CACIB Eleonora Ema Ena Ella Ice Lilien
Exc. / V2, res. VDH-CAC Nice´N Spicy Bailey vom Sutumer Grund
Exc. / V3 Reine von Neuman Jp
Exc. / V4 Faye vom Sutumer Grund
Exc. / V Nyyati Ahlitah Quest
Exc. / V Shamrock Shepherds´ Arabella
Exc. / V Zest for Life
VG / SG Dona Doria von King´s Silbertal
VG / SG Hanna-Aisha von der Maynbachbrücke
VG / SG H´jana vom Sutumer Grund
VG / SG Holly Yellow - Rosi vom Rüstjer Forst
- absence Dolce Bambina les Trois Baisers
- absence Nisha vom Niehuser See
Champion Class / Championklasse
Exc. / V1, VDH-CAC, CACIB, BOS Famouse Like A Star vom Sutumer Grund
Exc. / V2, res. VDH-CAC Frida od Bijelih Andjela
Exc. / V3 Milene Star of Annies Jp
Exc. / V4 Kamelia Grand Canyon
Exc. / V A-Kira Incredible Dog
Exc. / V Baltic Beauty Galaxy Light
Exc. / V Hypnotic Star vom Sutumer Grund
Exc. / V Ibanez White Shepard Casey
Exc. / V Jolee of Trebons Berger Blanc
Exc. / V Lugia P´tits Loups d´Amour
Exc. / V Vivienne Della Corte Dei Delfini Bianchi
- absence Idunn Desire´ Brach Prever
Veteran Class / Veteranenklasse
Exc. / V1, VCAC Rutta´x Royalty Kathreen
Exc. / V2, res. VCAC Baltic Beauty Crystal Siberian Wolf
Exc. / V3 Banjelina of the White Demon
Exc. / V4 Strandkungens Cinzia
- absence Ronja Lucy vom Heiligen Grahl
Beste Zuchtgruppen
1. of Trebons Berger Blanc
2. vom Sutumer Grund
World Dog Show , Russia 24.06.2016
Judge / Richter John Wauben (Netherlands)
Males / Rüden
Baby Class / Babbyklasse
VP / VV Olbi Velikiy Okhotnik
Puppy Class / Jüngstenklasse
VP1 / VV1, Puppy World Hope Big Haus Chayld of Ze Uald
VP2 / VV2 Krutoy Uoker Strazh Poryadka
Junior Class / Jugendklasse
Exc.1 / V1, CAJC, BOJ, Junior Winner Amigo Incredible Dog
Exc.2 / V2 Frant Iz Beloy Brigady
VG / SG Chengis-Han Mariya Star
VG / SG Fox Mulder Iz Beloy Brigady
VG / SG S Nezhny Zver Pankrat
- absence Veron Aus Ottohof
Intermediate Class / Zwischenklasse
Exc.1 / V1, CAC Bel Etual Orso
Exc.2 / V2, r. CAC Glorius Defender Engel Veiss
Exc.3 / V3 Black Aurum Li Of Laki Star
VG / SG Big Hauz Lakki Star
- absence Glorious Defender Esaul Cossack Commander
Open Class / Offene Klasse
Exc.1 / V1, CAC, r. CACIB Frisecco of Ice Wine /Gaudi du Bois des Ternes x /
Exc.2 / V2, r. CAC Arden Sol Bastian
Exc.3 / V3 Zhelannyi Drug Rendi
Exc.4 / V4 Jackpot du Vale Das Princesas
VG / SG S Nezhny Zver Zhou-Show
VG / SG Yurkyi Belyi Zver
- absence Inat od Bijelih Andjela
- absence Nebesnyi Volk Viddaniy Naviki
Champion Class / Championklasse
Exc.1 / V1, CAC, CACIB, World Winner, BOB Doux of Ice Wine /Gomer la Blankpapilio x Nikita vom Kofelort/
Exc.2 / V2, r. CAC Bond James Bond Iz Beloy Brigady
Exc.3 / V3 Isaac of Annies JP
Exc. / V Big Hauz Baks Sherbon Medzhi Mistik Fortun
Exc. / V Big Hauz Bulat Dlya s Nezhny Zver
Exc. / V Jasper Fieliss Iz Okeana Udachi
Exc. / V Made-To-Measure Kokkio Kilego
Exc. / V Natus Astra Avis Del Branco Selvaggio
Exc. / V Zeus The Cloud Assembler
- absence Escort z Plavské zahrady
Veteran class / Veteranenklasse
Exc.1 / V1, BOV, Veteran World Winner Beautiful Angel du Bois des Ternes
- absence Jaspis Taien
Baby Class / Babbyklasse
VP / VV, Baby World Hope Big Khaus Knyaginya Korneliya Kheppi Dog
Puppy Class / Jüngstenklasse
- absence Odetta Iz Okeana Udachi
Junior Class / Jugendklasse
Exc.1 / V1, CAJC, Junior World Winner, BOS A-Kira Incredible Dog
Exc.2 / V2 Flashing Jewel Extra Ordinary
Exc.3 / V3 Fata Morgana Iz Beloy Brigady
Exc.4 / V4 Fieliss Uraniya Aragones
Exc. / V Aniriks Sogdiana Mechta Voina Alfa
Exc. / V Karneliks Melody Wins
VG / SG Almost Angel vom Weissen Unterberg
VG / SG Big Hauz Kara
VG / SG Big Hauz Kleopatra
VG / SG Ice Brilliant Keysi
VG / SG Yasmin Del Branco Selvaggio
Intermediate Class / Zwischenklasse
Exc.1 / V1, CAC Aknur Gul Divnaya Tayna
Exc.2 / V2, r. CAC S Nezhny Zver Sheylin Vudli
VG / SG Black Aurum Luxury
VG / SG Kerry Art Iz Okeana Udachi
- absence Gvenaelle Grafika of Angelotti
- absence Karneliks Lakshmi Devi Rash
Open Class / Offene Klasse
Exc.1 / V1, CAC Bahama Mama Iz Beloy Brigady
Exc.2 / V2, r. CAC Elixir of Ice Wine
Exc.3 / V3 A-Ice Lady Gerda
Exc.4 / V4 Airis Ame Natale Sardogs
Exc. / V Airis Absolutnaya Vlast
Exc. / V Arden Sol Alibi
Exc. / V Lempian Ainoa Lumikki
Exc. / V Zest For Life
VG / SG Radost Iz Yuzhnogo Raya
VG / SG Teriada
SG / VG Yunona Belosnezhnaya Dolina
Champion Class / Championklasse
Exc.1 / V1, CAC, CACIB, World Winner Ataka Iz Beloy Brigady
Exc.2 / V2, r. CAC, r. CACIB Kira Kortes
Exc.3 / V3 Flashing Jewel Casualty of Love
Exc.4 / V4 Karneliks Egra Sheri Dan
Exc. / V Baltic Beauty Galaxy Light
Exc. / V Bernara
Exc. / V Dalia Bloom
- absence Fieliss Endiara Sunshine
- absence Koko Shanel
Veteran class / Veteranenklasse
World Dog Show Milano, Italy 14.06.2015
Judge / Richter Claudio Giuliani (Italy)
Males / Rüden
Baby Class / Babbyklasse
VP 1 / VV1 Mad Max Di Casa Praderio
Puppy Class / Jüngstenklasse
VP1 / VV1 Just a Winner of Trebons Berger Blanc
VP2 / VV2 Here I am vom Sutumer Grund
VP3 / VV3 Axel
P / V Charming Valentino del White Conero
P / V Harrisson Ford vom Sutumer Grund
Junior Class / Jugendklasse
Exc. 1 / V1, Junior World Winner Arden Sol Beckham Nathan Praderio /
Exc. 2 / V2 Veshukan Yori
Exc. 3 / V3 Jayce of Trebons Berger Blanc
Exc. / V4 Quindio White Cloud di Casa Brach Prever
Exc. / V Amor Mio del White Conero
Exc. / V Jackpot Winner des Loups de la Garenne
Exc. / V Lungoresina Crimson Star
VG / SG Fight´n Light von King´s Silbertal
VG / SG Jagan du Domaine de la Combe Noire
- absence Bolt Severnyi Vikhr
- absence Jerry
- absence Just Legend du Bois des Ternes
- absence Svyataya Alfreya Arthurs Mari
Intermediate Class / Zwischenklasse
Exc. 1 / V1 Agapornis Cassius Clay
Exc. 2 / V2 Iwok du Lac de Garm
Exc. 3 / V3 I´lander du Loup de la Vieille Eglise
Exc. 4 / V4 Beniamino White Chocolate /Quai Yucon vom Sutumer Grund x Astrid/
Exc. / V White Dream Team Bryan Adams
VG / SG Cherberus vom Sutumer Grund
VG / SG Oliver Baxter di Casa Brach Prever
- absence Bonito do Brasil Kann Schimmelpfeng
Open Class / Offene Klasse
Exc. 1 / V1, CAC, res. CACIB, vice World Winner One Together Della Corte Dei Delfini Bianchi /
Exc. 2 / V2, res. CAC Yole vom Sutumer Grund
Exc. 3 / V3 Doux of Ice Wine /Gomer la Blankpapilio x /
Exc. 4 / V4 Zeus The Cloud Assembler
Exc. 5 / V5 Afrodisio White Chocolate /Beau Brit od Bijelih Andjela x Astrid/ - short coat
Exc. / V6 Ice Echo du Bois des Ternes /Echo du Bois des Ternes x / - short coat
Exc. / V Blu Wayne Stark
Exc. / V Innuendo of Trebons Berger Blanc
Exc. / V8 Fudge of Trebons Berger Blanc
Exc. / V9 Kotori vom Terlüner Schloss /Bossanova von White Angel x Eirlys vom Terlüner Schloss/ - short coat
Exc. / V10 Tom Jones Ice Lilien
VG / SG Arpad - Kimo von Leukergund
VG / SG Bell´apollo White Conero
VG / SG Falcom-X
VG / SG Foxhunt Lust For Life
VG / SG Funly du Domaine de la Combe Noire
VG / SG Ice Breaker de la Riviere Aux Blancs
VG / SG Thunder Samael of White Enerby
- absence Energie´s Eyecatcher vom Sutumer Grund
- absence I Major Meiko Du Royaume Des Crocs Blancs
- absence Indar de Noble Linaje
- absence Unbesiegbarer Weisse Wolf vom Sutumer Grund
- absence Zackbuggea
Champion Class / Championklasse
Exc. 1 / V1, CACIB, World Winner Waroggi Maitreya /Conan-Prinz vom Durbuscher Forst x Lawaroggi/
Exc. 2 / V2 Hallo Devil Junior du Domaine de la Patte Blanche
Exc. 3 / V3 Uncle Sam vom Sutumer Grund
Exc. 4 / V4 Toruk Makto
Exc. 5 / V5 Lynch of Legacy Legend´s
Exc. / V Apache Zuni White Mountain
Exc. / V Flash White Dream Della Corte Dei Delfini Bianchi
Exc. / V Halo of Trebons Berger Blanc
Exc. / V Hanska Ska du Domaine de la Combe Noir
Exc. / V Heart Sylver Majestic du Bois des Ternes
Exc. / V Inuit Xanas of Legacy Legend´s
Exc. / V Majestics Agar /Bendor Duke of Westminster v Starr x India vom Werntal - short coat
Exc. / V White Sweet Nut Moon Angel
- not judged Beau Brit od Bijelih Andjela
- absence Axel di Casa Praderio
- absence Drake di Casa Praderio
- absence Joyfull White Angel´s Beloved One
Veteran Class / Veteranenklasse
Exc. 1 / V1, Veteran World Winner Spike
Exc. 2 / V2 Guest Star of Luna Legacy
- not judged Cameron Louthie from the Smooth White
- absence Fenix Whiteline Czech
Females / Hündinnen
Baby Class / Babbyklasse
VP / VV1 Juna vom Sutumer Grund
VP / VV2 Daenerys Targaryen di Grande Inverno
Puppy Class / Jüngstenklasse
VP / VV1 Ginger vom Sutumer Grund
VP / VV2 Pressburg Girl Ice Lilien
VP / VV3 Julia´s Rose Sylver de L´aige de la Tournelle
VP / VV4 Janet Jackson of Trebons Berger Blanc
- absence Jordana
Junior class / Jugendklasse
Exc. 1 / V1, Junior World Winner, Junior BOB Famouse Like a Star vom Sutumer Grund /
Exc. 2 / V2 A-Ice Lady Gerda
Exc. 3 / V3 Jessye´k
Exc. 4 / V4 Keyomi vom Niehuse See
Exc. / V Jad´or du Petit Duc Victoria
Exc. / V Jazz Rock N´Roll of Trebons Berger Blanc
Exc. / V Jigsaw Raven De La Riviere Aux Blancs
Exc. / V Jolie Mome
Exc. / V Miss Ma Vie AKBO-Parchovany /Beau Brit od Bijelih Andjela x Holliday Star z Ranče Montara/
Exc. / V Vivienne Della Corte Dei Delfini Bianchi
VG / SG Arden Sol Bali Art
VG / SG Eva Real Del Ocejon
VG / SG Feuerfee vom King´s Silbertal
VG / SG Jam of Trebons Berger Blanc
VG / SG Jolee of Trebons Berger Blanc
- absence Jolie Indra du Domaine de la Patte Blanche
- absence Svyataya Alfeya Achestiti Tan
- absence Svyataya Alfeya Alavi Pom Tan
Intermediate Class / Zwischenklasse
Exc. 1 / V1, res. CAC White Dream Tem Biju Boney M /Beau Brit od Bijelih Andjela x /
Exc. 2 / V2 Isy Star Du Loup de la Vieille Eglise
Exc. 3 / V3 Ibanez White Shepard Casey
Exc. 4 / V4 Ideal Winner du Bois des Ternes
Exc. / V Illusion of Ilande du Lac de Garm
Exc. / V Instant D´amour du Royaume des Crocs Blancs
VG / SG Bambina White Chocolate
VG / SG Celine Dion vom Sutumer Grund
VG / SG Lokina
VG / SG Margot Mine Praderio
- absence Ideale du Domaine de la Combe Noire
- absence Idem White du Domaine de Thu Lan
- absence White Dream Team Baby Bura
Open class / Offenne Klasse
Exc. / V1, CAC Armada Iz Beloy Brigady /Macao de la Roche Blanche x Born to Win White Arizona/
Exc. / V2 Drambuie-Lady of Ice Wine
Exc. / V3 Gipsy Queen of Trebons Berger Blanc
Exc. / V4 Zest For Life
Exc. / V Cheyenne
Exc. / V Fam Fatale
Exc. / V Helendil Nike di Casa Praderio
VG / SG Hija-Xanas
VG / SG Hola Gioia Della Bianca Neve
- absence Bombastic Lady vom Sutumer Grund
- absence Eazy Star du Bois des Ternes
- absence Gentle Grace of Trebons Berger Blanc
- absence Houka
Champion class / Champion Klasse
Exc. / V1, CACIB, World Winner, BOB Ataka Iz Beloy Brigady
/Macao de la Roche Blanche x Born to Win White Arizona/
Exc. / V2, res. CACIB Laila of Skah Dakota
Exc. / V3 Himalaya Sunshine du Domaine de la Patte Blanche
Exc. / V4 Baltic Beauty Galaxy Light
Exc. / V Alaska di Grande Inverno
Exc. / V Beautiful Euplea White Conero
Exc. / V Beky di Casa Praderio
Exc. / V Coda Della Corte del Bianco Aretuseo
Exc. / V Dea
Exc. / V Galilea of Trebons Berger Blanc
Exc. / V Hypnotik du Bois des Ternes
Exc. / V Perfect Angel vom Sutumer Grund
Veteran class / Veteranenklasse
Exc. / V1 Aliena White Princess vom Sutumer Grund
Exc. / V2 Yukj
Exc. / V3 Ranja
Exc. / V4 Ghuna Gauri of Skah Dakota
Exc. / V Anja
Exc. / V Perla
World Dog Show Finland, Helsinki 10.08.2014
Judge / Richter Jose Luis Payro (Mexico)
* White Swiss Shepherd Dog (puppies, juniors) | 35 | 11:45 |
- Puppies | 5 | |
- Dogs | 9 | |
- Bitches | 21 |
World Dog Show Budapest, Hungary 19.05.2013
Judge / Richter Barbara Müller (Switzerland)
Best of Breed, World Winner 2013
Males / Rüden
Baby Class / Baby Klasse
VP1 / VV1, Best Baby Ice AKBO-Parchovany /Imperator J. C. of Buscin´s Love x Azzi Princess AKBO-Parchovany/
Junior Class / Jugendklasse
Exc. 1 / V1, CAJC World Junior Winner, Best of Opposite Sex BOS, Junior BIG III. Great Winner du Bois des Ternes /Echo du Bois des Ternes x Dark of Queen du Bois des Ternes/
Exc. 2 / V2 Vice World Junior Winner Uncle Sam vom Sutumer Grund /Kentalo vom Sutumer Grund x Diamont of Haely´s Future/
Exc. 3 / V3 Tom Jones Ice Lilien /Juan of Skah Dakota x Lilien Dragonwings/
Exc. 4 / V4 Jackpot do Vale das Princesas /Macao de la Roche Blanche x Barbie of Trebons Berger Blanc/
H´Radja /Benji Lords of the White Shepherd x Fantaisie Bianca du Domaine de la Malounniera/
Lupus Albus President /Delphi von Tirol x Eirawen vom Terlüner/
Iron de Conquistadores del Azahar /Cain de Conquistadores del Azahar x Born To Win White Excellence/
Tonatiuh Ice Lilien /Juan of Skah Dakota x Lilien Dragonwings/
Don Karneliks Beli Andjeo /Aron x Guadalupe White Apache/
White Spirit of Dream´s Charlie Brown Dzsemil /Avathar Lothian Kann Schimmelpfeng x Heaven´s Pride of Buscin´s Love/
Snowpatrols Eisprinz Emilio /Atlantis White Prince vom King´s Silbertal x Prinzess Pyry AKBO-Parchovany/
One Together della Corte dei Delfini Bianchi /Dragon la Blankpapilio x Iosephine Della Corte Dei Delfini Bianchi/
Bartolomeu Reine Kann Schimmelpfeng /Igor Memphis Kann Schimmeplfeng x Gaya Reine Kann Schimmelpfeng/
Intermediate Class / Zwischenklasse
Exc. 1 / V1, CAC H Heart Sylver Majestic du Bois des Ternes /Echo du Bois des Ternes x Enigma du Bois des Ternes/
Exc. 2 / V2 Avaiki White Earth Spirit /Flash White Dream della Corte dei Delfini Bianchi x Rosehill Duchesse de Brabant/
Exc. 3 / V3 Arenui White Ocena Wave /Flash White Dream della Corte dei Delfini Bianchi x Rose Hill Duchesse de Brabant/
Exc. 4 / V4 Günter v. d. Adlershügelische Wache /Ginko z Blatenských luk x Vénuszvölgyi-vitéz Gréti/
Exc. 5 / V5 Kerry White Ancilias /H´Tarkan de vi Pasay x Kuli Ancilia AKBO-Parchovany/
Open Class / Offene Klasse
Exc. 1 / V1, CAC H Fudge of Trebons Berger Blanc /Horsebo U2 x Chiwa of Trebons Berger Blanc/
Exc. 2 / V2 , res. CAC H White Spirit of Dream´s Al Capone /Kirtonmae Sir Higgins x Heaven S Pride of Buscin´s Love/
Exc. 3 / V3 Waroggi Maitreya /Conan-Prinz vom Durbuscher Forst x Lawaroggi/
Exc. / V Nanuc vom Kofelort /Baxter vom Kofelort x Cheyenne vom Kofelort/
Exc. / V Omar Sharif Biale Wzgorza /Argos x Star of Tiger Berta/
Pepper Schatz Yago de Lupi albi /Bart de Blindete x Nouba Sue von Schloss Wolkenstein/
Darwin du Domaine de Thu Lan /Al-Pacino of Haely´s Future - Vanda du Bois des Ternes/
Mon Solei Kashmir alonso /Evridikke Metius Baltic Beauty x Belaya Zhemchuzhina Iz Sosnovogo Bora/
Vénuszvölgyi-Vitéz Gimli /Fram la Blankpapilio x Vénuszvölgyi-Vitéz Endzsi/
Zucchero Meldolesi /Donar Oet Grunnen x Yukj/
Dionysos White Ancilia /H´Tarkan de vi Pasay x Athena Ancilia/
- absence Fashion Monger du Bois des Ternes /Surefire Aragorn of Dunedain x Best Boumba du Bois des Ternes/
- absence Fenix Whiteline Czech /Herkules-King x Allia-Nicole of Haely´s Future/
Champion Class / Championklasse
E1 / V1, CAC, CACIB, World Winner (male) Azimut Ortus /Cherokee Baltic Beauty du Bois des Ternes x Only Best Baltic Beautys/
Exc. 2 / V2, res. CAC, res. CACIB Vice World Winner Fuego Biala Pasja /Aron x Cassyopeya Taien/
Exc. 3 / V3 Echo du Bois des Ternes /Snamerto Staomner x Dakota v. Hiemrod/
Exc. 4 / V4 Horsebo U2 /Al-Pacino of Haely´s Future x Enjoy of White Sunshine/
Exc. / V Beau Brit od Bijelih Anđela /Aico vom Bruckner Landl x Corina Fliegeland/
Exc. / V Flash of Trebons Berger Blanc /Horsebo Muffin x Dolce Vita of Trebons Berger Blanc/
Exc. / V Luzifers Fighter vom Sutumer Grund /Lothians Vencer Kann Schimmelpfeng x Uraja of Haely´s Future/
Exc. / V Apache Zuni White Mountain /Flash White Dream della Corte dei Delfini Bianchi x Ranja/
Exc. / V I Love Boy P´Tits Loups d´Amour /Big Bad Boy du Bois des Ternes x Amour Shakira of White Energy/
Exc. / V Flash White Dream della Corte dei Delfini Bianchi /Lothian Vencer Kann Schimmelpfeng x Daisy vom Tetzelstein/
Exc. / V Kiss En Kill of Luna Legacy /Surfire Aragorn of Dunedain x Guanche of Luna Legacy/
Vayn-Vaydler Star Royal /Don Diego Bijala Pasja x Zaskia AKBO-Parchovany/
Benji Lords of the White Shepherd /Hero vom Werntal x Udji von der Gluckspforte/
Sony Eryk de Lupi Albi /Baron de Blindete x Florida Lady vom Stainzer Schilcherland/
Drake du Domaine de la Combe Noire /V´f´han x Baby Doll du Domaine de la Combe Noire/
Andy White Bone /Diuke la Blankpapilio x Ailen ze Čtyř dvorů/
Challenger´s White Shepherd Crack /Simba Django v. Terlüner Schloss x My Werntal Mell v. Werntal/
Atlantis White Prince von King´s Silbertal /Pero-Bijelo vom Sutumer Grund x Apollonia-Akira vom Silbertal/
Veteran Class / Veteranenklasse
Exc. 1 / V1 World Veteran Winner (male) Aron *01.09.2004 /Oscar Chico Ben v. Hiemrod x Linda Iz Razborce/
Exc. 2 / V2 Vice World Veteran Winner D´Legolas *02.10.2004 /? x ?/
Exc. 3 / V3 H´Tarkan de vi Pasay *01.05.2002 /Ken of the White Valley x Ubelle du Petit Mont Blanc/
Exc. 4 / V4 Macao de la Roche Blanche *22.08.2003 /Zack de vi Pasay x Crystal de la Roche Blanche/
V'ICE du Domaine de Treffaut *14.08.2004 /Targ des Gardiens du Pacte x Princesse des la Perle Blanche/
- absence Evridikke Metius Baltic Beauty *12.07.2004 /Asterix Star z Ranče Montara x Erodike Thalia Donnevara/
Females / Hündinnen
Baby Class / Baby Klasse
VP1 / VV1 Berry Rose Forrento /Arezzo Bohemia Star Moraveč x Debonar Free Meroxen/
Puppy Class / Jüngstenklasse
VP1 / VV1 Best Puppy Agatha Charming White Chocolate /Beau Brit od Bijelih Anđela x Astrid (vom Home of the White Wolves)/
VP2 / VV2 Arden Sol Alibi /Devil of White Energy x Rutta´x Royalty Kathereen/
Sissie Lara de Lupi Albi /Gin z Blatenských luk x Florida Lady vom Stainzer Schilcherland/
Hells Angels i des Pinedes du Garlaban /Benji Lords of The White Shepherd x Afghane du Bois des Ternes/
Bhumi of Shadasa /Caely´s White Flower Evening Star x Junuja-Ezira of Skah Dakota/
Junior Class / Jugendklasse
Exc. 1 / V1, CAJC, World Junior Winner (female) Joyfull White Angel´s Boo /Kentalo vom Sutumer Grund x Inshima Honey vom Sutumer Grund/
Exc. 2 / V2 Vice World Junior Winner Laila of Skah Dakota /Beautiful Angel du Bois des Ternes x Hasina Hamsa of Skah Dakota/
Exc. 3 / V3 Frida od Bijelih Anđela /Fuego Biala Pasja x Corina Fliegeland/
Exc. 4 / V4 Manini of Skah Dakota /Beau Brit od Bijelih Anđela x Ghuna Gauri of Skah Dakota/
Exc. 5 / V5 Ataka Iz Beloy Brigady /Macao de la Roche Blanche x Born To Win White Arizona/
Exc. / V Mahi of Skah Dakota /Beau Brit od Bijelih Anđela x Ghuna Gauri of Skah Dakota/
Exc. / V Hypnotik du Bois des Ternes /Echo du Bois des Ternes x Altesse Vanille du Bois des Ternes/
Exc. / V Beautiful Euplea White Conero /Beautiful Angel du Bois des Ternes x Rosehill Duchesse de Brabant/
Caico It Ljocht fan Shiva /Akhiro vom Altvilstal x Caely´s White Flower Silken Flame/
Lupus Albus Olimpia /Nero vom Sutumer Grund x Lupus Albus Kim/
Thaleia Ice Lilien /Juan of Skah Dakota x Lilien-Dragonwings/
Tara Ice Lilien /Juan of Skah Dakota x Lilien-Dragonwings/
Dashing Dawn White Breanna /Fuego Biala Pasja x Venuszvölgyi-vitéz Freyja/
The Mission Accomplished Ice Lilien /Juan of Skah Dakota x Lilien Dragonwings/
Holliday Star z Ranče Montara /Luzifers Fighter vom Sutumer Grund x Cassey Star z Ranče Montara/
Exc. / V Sonnie Taien /Number One of White Energy x Chispa Taien/
Chilly vom Weissen Birkenstolz /Argos x Demi Moore of White Bandits/
Armada Iz Beloy Brigady /Macao de la Roche Blanche x Born to Win White Arizona/
Jewel of Choise Delux /Mad Max vom Sutumer Grund x Choise vom Leininger Land/
Vénuszvölgyi-vitéz Ízisz /Fram la Blankpapilio x Vénuszvölgyi-vitéz Endzsi/
Heidi of Trebons Berger Blanc /Horsebo U2 x Dolce Vita of Trebons Berger Blanc/
Penelope della Corte dei Delfini Bianchi /Fuego Biala Pasja x J-Sweety della Corte dei Delfini Bianchi/
Lupus Albus Opheli /Nero vom Sutumer Grund x Lupus Albus Kim/
Hayley of Trebons Berger Blanc /Horsebo U2 x Classe Apart of Trebons Berger Blanc/
Intermediate Class / Zwischenklasse
Exc. 1 / V1, CAC H Komtessa Beautiful Whiteangel /Frenchman Beautiful Whiteangel x Endless love of the Heart of Lothian/
Exc. 2 / V2, res. CAC H Uma White Chocolate vom Sutumer Grund /Kentalo vom Sutumer Grund x Vajra Diamont of Haely´s Future/
Exc. 3 / V3 Aguilera Iz Beloy Brigady /Macao de la Roche Blanche x Bron To Win White Arizona/
Exc. 4 / V4
White Falcon´s Mila /Atlantis White Prince von King´s Silbertal x White Falcon´s Aicha-Shakira/
Vanilla Ice Cream Dream /Discovery of Trebons Berger Blanc x Selerija Ahsel Sandida/
Grácia v. d. Adlershügelische Wache /Ginko z Blatenských luk x Vénuszvölgyi-vitéz Gréti/
Kika of Luna Legacy /Surefire Aragorn of Dunedain x Guanche of Luna Legacy/
Gella Grinta Forever de L´Aige de la Tournelle /Falkindy of Haely´s Future x Inouckless of Haely´s Future/
White Falcon´s Majesty Maya /Atlantis White Prince von King´s Silbertal x White Falcon´s Aicha/
Open Class / Offene Klasse
E1 / V1, CAC, CACIB, World Winner (female), BOB Ghuna Gauri of Skah Dakota /Ephraim of White Sunshine x Charu-Chinmayi of Skah Dakota/
Exc. 2 / V2, res. CAC H, res. CACIB Vice World Winner Perfect Angel vom Sutumer Grund /Kentalo vom Sutumer Grund x Perlayne vom Sutumer Grund/
Exc. 3 / V3 Daina Moon Siberian Pride /Hero of White Condor x Baltic Beauty Crystal Siberian Wolf/
Exc. 4 / V4 Devil in Disguise vom Niehuser See /Kentalo vom Sutumer Grund x Esprit Emily of White Condor/
Exc. / V Dark of Queen du Bois des Ternes /Beautiful Angel du Bois des Ternes x Horsebo Empire/
Geny du Domaine de la Combe Noire /Eiko Bleizi Asgard x Circe du Domaine de la Combe Noire/
Galilea of Trebons Berger Blanc /Horsebo One x Classe Apart of Trebons Berger Blanc/
Inka-Queeny of Choise Delux /Kentalo vom Sutumer Grund x Choise vom Leininger Land/
Baltic Beauty Harmony /Evridikke Metius Baltic Beauty x Coco Baltic Beauty of Trebons Berger Blanc/
Baltic Beauty Gella /Cherokee Baltic Beauty du Bois des Ternes x Gabe vom Stainzer Schilcherland/
Bonita Greyty /Ares Forever von den Weissen Wupper Wolfen x Cristal/
Coco z Hrnčířské zahrady /Atlantis White Prince von King´s Silbertal x Lucky Girl Acabo Czech/
Alaska di Grande Einverno /Bonito-Snow vom Rustjer Forst x Anja/
Allia de Lupi Albi /Gin z Blatenských luk x Neguita Girl von Schloss Wolkenstein/
Champion Class / Championklasse
Exc. 1 / V1, CAC H Donna Daria von King Silbertal /Akhiro vom Altvilstal x Attika of The White Demon/
Exc. 2 / V2, r. CAC H
Exc. 3 / V3 Rutta´x Royalty Kathreen /Cherokee Baltic Beauty du Bois des Ternes x Born To Win White Angela/
Exc. 4 / V4 Karuna of Skah Dakota /Baby Baron du Bois des Ternes x Ghuna Gauri of Skah Dakota/
Exc. / V Horsebo Twix /Horsebo Muffin x Horsebo 7-UP/
Exc. / V Eazy du Bois des Ternes /Big Bad Boy du Bois des Ternes x Horsebo Chanel Nº5/
Exc. / V Jet-Set of Luna Legacy /SureFire Aragorn of Dunedain x Happy Lunalee of Haely´s Future/
Keri Snow Avalanche /Darren Whiteline Czech x Adore Snow Avalanche/
Ulma Fliegeland /Delljoy of Haely´s Future x Sigy Fliegeland/
Baltic Beauty Crystal Siberian Wolf /Aico von Bruckner Landl x Coco Baltic Beauty of Trebons Berger Blanc/
Horsebo Quite a Lady /Horsebo Muffin x Horsebo 7-UP/
Disadonna Fera Lady /Dragon la Blankpapilio x White Ghost´s Cinderella Girl/
Jayla vom Altvilstal /Diego Maradonna von der Weissen Wolke x Akira vom Entweger Hof/
Vénuszvölgyi-vitéz Endzsi /Amos vom Wolfsmond x Anita von Fehér Hercegnó/
- absence Divine Snow de L´Aige de la Tournelle /Falkindy of Haely´s Future x Bibilee of Haely´s Future/
Veteran Class / Veteranenklasse
Exc. 1 / V1 World Veteran Winner (female) Corina Fliegeland *04.05.2005 /Delljoy of Haely´s Future x Alma vom Zillertal/
Exc. 2 / V2 Vice World Veteran Winner Apollonia-Akira vom Silbertal *31.01.2003 /Herkules-King x Kaylor vom Berliner Bären/
- is it the first time ever for White Swiss Shepherd!!!!!

Class / Klasse / Třída | Males / Rüden / Psi | Females / Hündinnen / Feny | Total / Summe / Celkem |
Baby Class / Baby Klasse / Třída štěňat | 1 | 1 | 2 |
Puppy Class / Jüngstenklasse / Třída dorostu | 0 | 5 | 5 |
Junior Class / Jugendklasse / Třída mladých | 12 | 24 | 36 |
Intermediate Class / Zwischenklasse / Mezitřída | 5 | 9 | 14 |
Open Class / Offene Klasse / Třída otevřená | 14 | 14 | 28 |
Working Class / Gebrauchshundeklasse / Třída pracovní | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Champion Class / Championklasse / Třída šampionů | 18 | 14 | 32 |
Veteran Class / Veteranenklasse / Třída veteránů | 6 | 2 | 8 |
Total / Summe / Celkem | 56 | 69 | 125 |
World Dog Show Salzburg, Austria 19.05.2012
Judge / Richter Paul Jentgen (Luxembourg)
Males / Rüden
Puppy Class / Jüngstenklasse
VV1 G´Condor Of Anne Du Domaine De La Graffenbourg /Luzifer´s Fighter vom Sutumer Grund x Amore Dite Lola/
VV2 Baltic Beauty Invictus Roland /Baxter vom Kofelort x Baltic Beauty a Perfect Creation/
V3 Diego of Lovely Whitestar /Gringo of White Finess x Cookie Star z Ranče Montara/
Junior Class / Jugendklasse
V1, CAJC, World Junior Winner Joyfull White Angel´s Amadeus /Mad Max vom Sutumer Grund x Inshima Honey vom Sutumer Grund/
V2 Garmin du Domaine De La Graffenbourg /Mad Max vom Sutumer Grund x Enya du Domaine de la Graffenbourg/
V3 Diamond - Batista vom Marbecker Grund /Mad Max vom Sutumer Grund x Elfe Eileen von der Weissen Wolke/
V4 Toruk Makto /kirtonmae Sir Higgins x Indra of White Condor/
V Grichka du Domaine de la Combe Noire /F´Han of White Heroes x Volkane von der Glückspforte/
V Guess Raider du Bois des Ternes /Beautiful Angel du Bois des Ternes x Barbarela White Ancilia/
SG Amiro Faro Azar Of Star Of David /Atlantis White Prince von King´s Silbertal x Slo-White Rose d Lola/
SG Arenui White Ocean Wave /Flash White Dream Delta Corte Dei Delfini Biachi x Rosehill Duchesse de Brabant/
SG Avaiki White Earth Spirit /Flash White Dream Delta Corte Dei Delfini Biachi x Rosehill Duchesse de Brabant/
SG Grand Ocean Des Gardiens Du Pacte /Elite Fire Onyx des Gardiens du Pacte x Blythelee of Haely´s Future/
SG Lennox vom Stainzer Schilcherland /Aico vom Bruckner-Landl x Costa-Rica vom Stainzer Schilcherland/
- absence Gatsby Du Mont Mont De Sene /Angel Dream du Bois des Ternes x Eyrly du Mont de Sene/
- absence Oray-Yuma of White Condor /Flash White Dream Delta Corte Dei Delfini Biachi x Rosehill Duchesse de Brabant/
Intermediate Class / Zwischenklasse
V1, CACA Fandorin of Trebons Berger Blanc /Horsebo U2 x Chiwa of Trebons Berger Blanc/
V2, r. CACA Fudge of Trebons Berger Blanc /Horsebo U2 x Chiwa of Trebons Berger Blanc/
V3 Falko Du Domaine De La Graffenbourg /Akhiro vom Altvilstal x Amore Dite Lola/
V4 Montana vom Kofelort /Lothians Vencer Kann Schimmelpfeng x Cheyenne vom Kofelort/
V Born To Win White Lancelot /Surefire Obi-Wan Kinobi x Born to Win White Ego/
V Fanjo Winner Du Royaume Des Crocs Blancs /Voila Gazon Junior du Royaume des Crocs Blancs x Aloona Moonlight du Bois des Ternes/
V Number One Of White Energy /Firepool Otso x Unique Shakira of White Condor/
SG Derin Nubika /Dragon la Blankpapilio x Ayla Shengul Nubika/
SG F´Tuco Real Corte De Las Arcanas /Beautiful Angel du Bois des Ternes x Horsebo Chanel Nº5/
SG Flash of Trebons Berger Blanc /Horsebo Muffin x Dolce Vita of Trebons Berger Blanc/
Open Class / Offene Klasse
V1, CACA Matoskah of White Condor /Fandango Chamaco of White Condor x Firepool´s Silvery Moon/
V2, r. CACA Aramis-Nadom of White Darel /Banshee Boy vom Haus Zenz x Miya Canta Lupa/
V3 Apache Zuni White Mountain /Flash White Dream Della Corte Delfini Bianchi x Ranja di Casa Praderio/
V4 Bob-Bastian of White Eagle /Akhiro vom Altvilstal x Alcira of White Condor/
V Caely´s White Flower Easy Rider /Snowey River Luck Dragon x Caely´s White Flower Dreamcatcher/
V Cortez vom Eis /Aldebaran vom Eis x Moolight Sorsha Scatle/
V Funly du Domaine de la Combe Noire /F´Han of White Heroes x Clara Emma du Domaine de la Combe Noire/
V Nero vom Sutumer Grund /Zenado vom Terlüner Schloss x Cassey Star z Ranče Montara/
V Unique Liefje of Haely´s Future /Atax Boss vom Sutumer Grund x Lievekeles of Haely´s Future/
SG Majestics Agar /Bendor Duke of Westminster v Starr x India vom Werntal/ - short coat
SG Connan vom Haus Eckenfels /Bosssanova von White Angel x Prinzess vom Neckarursprung/
SG Faraon White Ancilias /Lothians Vencer Kann Schimmelpfeng x Ancilia II du Bois des Ternes/
- absence Fuego King z Ranče Montara /Zenado vom Terlüner Schloss x Cassey Star z Ranče Montara/
- absence Nero vom Altvilstal /Akhiro vom Altvilstal x Eliska of White Heroes/
Champion Class / Championklasse
V1, CACA, CACIB, World Winner, BOB Kentalo vom Sutumer Grund /Centurio of White Energy x Aliena White Princess vom Sutumer Grund/
V2, r. CACA, r. CACIB Devil of White Energy /Victories Bodyguard od Haely´s Future x Ashanti of White Energy/
V3 Blanc Berry Ancilias /H´Tarkan de vi Pasay x Mystery Shadow AKBO-Parchovany/
V4 Beau Brit od Bijelih Andjela /Aico vom Bruckner Landl x Corina Fliegeland/
V Drake du Domaine de la Combe Noire /F´Han of White Heroes x Baby Doll du Domaine de la Combe Noire/
V Echo du Bois des Ternes /Snamerto Staomner x Dakota Van Hiemrod/
V Enjy du Domaine de la Graffenbourg /Centurio of White Energy x Amore Dite Lola/
V Figo vom Stainze Schilcherland /Alvo giro of Quietangel x Caprice of White Heroes/
V Flash White Dream Della Corte dei Delfini Bianchi /Lothians Vencer KannSchimmelpfeng x Daisy vom Tetzelstein/
V Joyner Boss vom Sutumer Grund /Bossanova von White Angel x U´Kaja of Naely´s Futur/
V Spike /Brian Praderio x Barbi/
V Waroggi Maitreya /Conan-Prinz vom Durbuscher Forst x Lawaroggi/
SG Arezzo Bohemia Star Moraveč /Ferguston Taien x Artemis z Nového Malína/ - short coat
SG Destiny Boy du Bois des Ternes /Guest Star of Luna Legacy x Alias du Bois des Ternes/ - short coat
- absence David vom Stainzer Schilcherland /Quanto of White Mountain Austria x Bianca vom Salzachtal/
Veteran Class / Veteranenklasse
V1, World Veteran Winner Benjamin Frenklin *28.12.2003 /Eddy of Lonely Wolf x Nina vom Berliner Baren/
- absence Aico vom Bruckner-Landl *27.03.2002 /Biaggi vom Alexanderhof x Xentra-Lucie von Werntal/
- absence Topaz of White Condor *28.01.2002 /Quality Modl of White Condor x Asina White Condor vom Hause Zenz/
Females / Hündinnen
Puppy Class / Jüngstenklasse
VV Dora of Lovely Whitestar /Gringo of White Finess x Cookie Star z Ranče Montara/
VV Great love of Anne du Domaine de la Graffenbourg /Luzifer´s Fighter vom Sutumer Grund x Amore Dite Lola/
VV White Falcon´s Majesty Maya /Atlantis White Prince von King´s Silbertal/
V Geisha du Royaume des Crocs Blancs /F´Appolo Choice du Bois des Ternes x Beauty Costa Blanca du Royaume des Crocs Blancs/
Junior Class / Jugendklasse
V1, CAJC, World Junior Winner Guardian Angel des Gardiens du Pacte /Surefire Regalwise Rodeo Starr x Svarzekoks Buick le Sabre/
V2 Inka-Queeny of Choise Delux /Kentalo vom Sutumer Grund x Choise vom Leininger Land/
V3 Gayma du Bois des Ternes /Beautiful Angel du Bois des Ternes x Eazy du Bois des Ternes/
V4 Donna Doria von King Silbertal /Akhiro vom Altvilstal x Attika of The White Demon/
V Anirau White Flowers Queen /Flash White Dream Della Corte Dei Delfini Bianchi x Rosehill Duchesse de Brabant/
V Coco Chanel z Hrnčířské zahrady /Atlantis White Prince of King´s Silbertal x Lucky Girl Acabo Czech/
V Devil in Disguise vom Niehuser See /Kentalo vom Sutumer Grund x Esprit Emily of White Condor/
V Galilea of Trebons Berger Blanc /Horsebo One x Edw Classe Apart of Trebons Berger Blanc Suisse/
V Lilly of Quietangel /Fandango Chamaco of White Condor x White Stone´s Callie/
V Naomi vom Kofelort /Baxter vom Kofelort x Cheyenne vom Kofelort/
V Priceless Briska Gill of White Condor /Fandango Chamaco of White Condor x Zeta-Jones of White Condor/
V Shiraz Greta vom Sutumer Grund /Moon Shine Miraja x Maybe Macic Lou vom Sutumer Grund/
SG Ayumi of Shadasa /E´Jehol du Bois des Ternes x Januja-Ezira of Skah Dakota/
SG Bonita Greyty /Ares Forever von den Weissen Wupper Wolfen x Cristal/
SG Dula la Gebrada /Chesto of Trebons Berger Blanc x Bauma of Trebons Berger Blanc/
SG Ibanez White Shepard Alpina /Finn vom Sutumer Grund x Made to Measur Glorius Gandi/
SG Kane-Pu-Ahio-Hio /Baltazar Halit Paša x Alma Flafi Beib/
SG New Edition of The Heart of Lothian /Avathar Lothian Kann Schimmelpfeng x Energy Noble Kansas du Gardien du Pacte/
SG Nikita vom Kofelort /Baxter vom Kofelort x Cheyenne vom Kofelort/
- absence Genna Lee du Domaine de la Graffenbourg /Mad Max vom Sutumer Grund x Enya du Domaine de la Graffenbourg/
- absence Snowpatrols Dashing Dolly /Gringo of White Finess x Fay-Fiona la Blankpapilio/
Intermediate Class / Zwischenklasse
V1, CACA Perfect Angel vom Sutumer Grund /Kentalo vom Sutumer Grund x Perlayne vom Sutumer Grund/
V2, r. CACA Finta du Domaine de la Graffenbourg /Atlas Sultan of Haely´s Future x Adraste Grian od Knapovského potoka/
V3 Qinj Beijing White Princess vom Sutumer Grund /Crunch vom Stainzer Schilcherland x Vaaliena White Princess vom Sutumer Grund/
V4 Jetset of Luna Legacy /Surefire Aragorn of Dunedain x Happy Lunalee of Haely´s Future/
V 7C´S Fire Queen Platin for TNT /Regalwise Platinum Prince x Angelic´s Lucky Charm of Eclipse/
V Celina Nubika /Argo of Barrandov´s Alley x Julie Nycol Elbigi/ - short coat
V Crazy-Crystal Shirotomo-Sweetheart /Alvo Giro of Quietangel x Vyvyn Yuki du Bois des Ternes/
V Cresta la Gebrada /Frostflake´s Garcia x Dasca du Domaine de Thulan/
V F´Haina du Domaine de la Combe Noire /F´Han of White Heroes x Undie du Domaine de la Combe Noire/
V Feelings du Domaine de la Graffenbourg /Akhiro vom Altvilstal x Amore Dite Lola/
V G´Thara du Bois des Ternes /Beautiful Angel du Bois des Ternes x Aloona Mystic du Bois des Ternes/
SG Baltic Beauty Harmony/Evridikke Metius Baltic Beauty x Coco Baltic Beauty of Trebons Berger Blanc/
SG Fidji du Domaine de la Graffenbourg /Akhiro vom Altvilstal x Amore Dite Lola/
- absence Athena /Tarik-Anu of White Friends x Daledy du Domaine de la Combe Noire/
- absence Showpatrols Chila /Aragon of Trebons Berger Blanc x Princess Pyry AKBO-Parchovany/
Open Class / Offene Klasse
V1, CACA Jayzbelle of Legacy Legend /Surefire Aragorn of Dunedain x Hoopmoon of Luna Legacy/
V2, r. CACA Miss Conchita of White Condor /Fandango Chamaco of White Condor x Firepool´s Silvery Moon/
V3 Duffy-Luna vom Ebersberger Forst /Yerry-Lee von der Honensyburg x Dylhaila-Sue vom Kofelort/
V4 Januja-Ezira of Skah Dakota /Born To Win White Dante x Ezira-Shideezhi of Skah Dakota/
V Balka la Gebrada
V Betty Boop of Lovely Whitestar /Born To Win White General x Cookie Star z Ranče Montara/
V Evita du Domaine de la Malounniera /Horsebo Chester x Bianca/
V Fantazia du Domaine de la Combe Noire /F´Han of White Heroes x Babydoll du Domaine de la Combe Noire/
V Feline du Domaine de la Combe Noire /Atlas Sultan of Haely´s Future x Circee du Domaine de la Combe Noire/
V Ivory of Quietangel /Wocker of White Condor x White Stone´s Callie/
V Kiruna vom Stainzer Schilcherland /David vom Stainzer Schilcherland x Costa Rica vom Stainzer Schilcherland/
V Missouri of White Condor /Fandango Chamaco of White Condor x Firepoool´s Silvery Moon/
V Oldambt´s Special in Your Dreams /Lothians Vencer Kann Schimmelpfeng x Oldambt´s Special Cracky Chelsey/
SG Belice-Banu of White Eagle /Akhiro vom Altvilstal x Alcira of white Condor/
SG Bianca ? /Van Sylver Star du Royaume des Cros Blancs x Bianca/
SG Isa-Bell vom Stainzer Schilcherland /Aragon of Trebons Berger Blanc x Costa-Rica vom Stainzer Schilcherland/
- absence Buttercup la Melodie Blanche /C´Moi of Trebons Berger Blanc x Excellent Choice of White Condor/
- absence Darshan des Terres de Voldai /First Kenai San of White Heroes x Baika of Trebons Berger Blanc/
- absence Fee du Bois des Ternes /Guest Star of Luna Legacy x Horsebo Chanel Nº5/
- absence Fortune White Ancilias /Lothians Vencer Kann Schimmelpfeng x Ancilia II du Bois des Ternes/
- absence Kelly Clarkson of Buscin´s Love /Indian Dream of Beautiful White x Deyenne Shelby of Buscin´s Love/
- absence Made to Measure Glamour Geisha /Crunch vom Stainzer Schilcherland x Horsebo´s Ciwi/
- absence Slo White Rose D-Lola /Ferrari von White Rose x Vivid Daydream Daili-Kaya/
Champion Class / Championklasse
V1, CACA, CACIB, World Winner (female) Karuna of Skah Dakota /Baby Baron du Bois des Ternes x Ghuna Gauri of Skah Dakota/
V2, r. CACA, r. CACIB Eazy du Bois des Ternes /Big Bad Boy du Bois des Ternes x Horsebo Chanel Nº5/
V3 Ulma Fliegeland /Delljoy of Haely´s Future x Sigy Fliegeland/
V4 Jayla vom Altvilstal /Diego Maradonna von der Weissen Wolke x Akira vom Entweger Hof/
V Astrid /Majestic Aspen Blizzard x Dakota Hastrid Della Corte dei Delfini Bianchi/
V Athalia White Ancilias /Athos Ancilia x Ancilia II du Bois des Ternes/
V Azumi of Lovely Whitestar /Aico vom Bruckner Landl x Cookie Star z Ranče Montara/
V Baltic Beauty a Perfect Creation /X-Dream Amaroq of White Mountain Austria x Erodike Thalia Donnevara/
V Horsebo Quite a Lady /Horsebo Muffin x Horsebo 7-up/
V Cherokee Dite Shiro du Bois des Ternes /Tracker du Bois des Ternes x Dakota Van Hiemrod/
V Veddinas Arielle /Axo von der Beerentrift x Ingrids Vita Angelique/
- absence Anouchka du Domaine de la Combe Noire /Phenix de la Roche Blanche x Piyan of Wolfshof/
- absence Horsebo Twix /Horsebo Muffin x Horsebo 7-up/
- absence Strandkungens Cinzia /Akhiro vom Altvilstal x Arwen/
- absence Vif Argent du Bois des Ternes /Traker du Bois des Ternes x Hawai de la Roche Blanche/
Veteran Class / Veteranenklasse
V1, World Veteran Winner U´Raja of Haely´s Future *12.12.2002 /Domingo vom Sutumer Grund x Hexe vom Sutumer Grund/
V2 Apollonia-Akira vom Silbertal *31.01.2003 /Herkules-King vom Nicolaiberg x Kaylor vom Berliner Bären/
Class / Klasse / Třída | Males / Rüden / Psi | Females / Hündinnen / Feny | Total / Summe / Celkem |
Puppy Class / Jüngstenklasse / Třída dorostu | 3 | 4 | 7 |
Junior Class / Jugendklasse / Třída mladých | 13 | 21 | 34 |
Intermediate Class / Zwischenklasse / Mezitřída | 10 | 15 | 25 |
Open Class / Offene Klasse / Třída otevřená | 15 | 23 | 38 |
Working Class / Gebrauchshundeklasse / Třída pracovní | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Champion Class / Championklasse / Třída šampionů | 15 | 15 | 30 |
Veteran Class / Veteranenklasse / Třída veteránů | 3 | 2 | 5 |
Total / Summe / Celkem | 58 | 80 | 138 |
Princesse des la Perle Blanche |
Princesse des la Perle Blanche |